
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Budget do-it-yourself Wedding Creations - My Wedding

I had a ball planning our wedding! :D  I made the guests' gifts and a few other cute goodies as well.  I don't have a photo of the invites we (me and mum and sister) made, so I'll post that later.

I put together these little sweetie bags for the guests to take as they were walking into the chapel.
I used small organza bags and filled them with some minty heart sweets that had wedding-related messages printed on them.

I also printed little "Order of the Day" scrolls that I rolled up, tied with purple raffia, and put in the sweetie bag as well.  Here's a photo of them in the chapel:

Instead of having confetti, I bought little bottles of bubbles, which I decorated with organza ribbon and a butterfly:
I guess you can tell that my wedding theme was all about butterflies and purple. :)  I found these cute butterfly bubble bottles to match my theme.

For the reception, I made table seating plans.  I bought plain picture frames and decorated them:

I used pretty champagne coloured pearly paper for the background.  The table numbers and name "tags" I printed on plain white paper and set them against purple pearly paper.  I glued an organza ribbon underneath the table number and let it dangle freely, and clipped the name "tags" to the ribbon with mini wooden clothing pegs that my husband spray painted silver.  And I glued some hearty mirrors on there as well!
I added little purple roses in the corners too. :)

I tied a big butterfly bead to the bottom of the ribbon to weigh it down:

I also made the menus.  I used the same purple pearly paper as for the name "tags", and used some fancy scissors (that matched the invite) to cut out the printed menu part:

For the guests' gifts I filled up cute little jam bottles with my favourite jam (raspberry), and tied the "Thank you" tag to it with raffia. (this isn't a good pic, but as soon as I find the better one I'll repost!):

For the floral border, I used the WWFloralGreetings font.  I punched a hole using a heart shaped punch.

I also bought some of those ready-to-make gift boxes (the ones you just have to fold up), silver ones, and filled them with chocolate filled purple heart candies, wrapped in tissue paper.  Then I stuck a butterfly sticker on the side and a little organza rose on top (this isn't a good pic either, but I'll hopefully find the good one!):

My mum also made a couple of things for the wedding, and one of them was decorating my unity candles:
She decoupaged the butterflies and our wedding vows onto the candles.
And then, instead of having the usual flower arrangement in the chapel, we decided on something a little different, ie a tree covered with butterflies. My mum and my (future) brother-in-law made this tree, from polystyrene! (and paint).  Ain't it pretty??!!!  :D

It came complete with a little bird (and bird poop), hehe:

My mum also took care of the centre pieces for the dinner tables.  She took big glass jars which she already had at home, bought some fake purple flowers, added some purple cellophane and a little battery operated light inside at the bottom to light it up nicely during the evening:
She also tied a silver ribbon around the top edge of the jar and stuck butterflies all over the outside of the jar (which isn't too clear on this pic)

My mum cut out all the butterflies for the centre pieces, for the tree in the chapel, butterflies that my sister sprinkled on the floor as she walked down the isle...there were hundreds and hundreds of butterflies!

THEN I made the thank you cards.  I kept it simple.  I cut out some purple cardboard, stuck on a photo, punched some holes with the hearty punch, tied some raffia around it and added a little "made with love" beading charm at the bottom:

And on the back I did the whole thank you thing. :)
After much research, I found some cute wording on the net, chose the best ones and put them together.
And that's my wedding! :)
Hope you enjoyed it.


  1. I love the thank you card! Amazing!
    And I want u to help me with my big day when we have one in SA!!
    Everything was beautiful especially the tree! That was the best except for you...

  2. Thanx Squirt! <3
    Yay, i can't wait! I'll help where i can - it'll be fun! :D
    PS: we should start discussing details before i get too fully booked. :P ;)


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