
Monday, December 13, 2010

Spicing It Up - Photo Frame

I bought a pretty photo frame to give to someone as a gift, but I decided to add just a little something extra to spice it up a bit.

It went from this:

To this:
I used a gold ink pad and added some accenting colour to the edges of the swirly decorations on the frame, as well as around the inner most border nearest the photo.  It's not so clear on the photo, but you get the idea!

I had to spray some clear varnish spray paint over the frame afterwards because the ink rubbed off (it's a plastic frame).
And afterwards I decided to hot glue some roses onto the frame (the same ones I used to decorate at my wedding):
So after brushing off the cookie crumbs I messed on the photo, it's ready for wrapping! :D


  1. Your frame makeover is gorgeous! I love the bit of purple flowers that are added. It really makes the whole frame come alive.

  2. What a beautiful frame! Love the bit of purple splash. Thanks for the blog visit & kind comments :)

  3. How creative! I love the way it turned out!

  4. I love the gold inked edges- it really makes the scrollwork pop! Beautiful job and what a nice touch to add the floral accents that you used from the wedding. Very nice. Thanks for sharing at the Holiday Hookup. BTW, I host the link party each week until Christmas but will probably continue on afterwards. It's such fun to see everyone's projects.


Thanx for visiting! :D
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