
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bloggie Bestie Blog Swap - Featuring Truly Lovely!

Today I'm happy to be doing a Bloggie Bestie Blog Swap with Kassi, one of the sisters from Truly Lovely!   Some of you undoubtedly already know about her and her blog, but if you don't, take a few minutes to read about her sweet self here and check out her fun blog!  :)   I'm also doing a short feature of my blog over at Truly Lovely today! (well, as of 8AM Truly Lovely's time)  :)

She's also relatively new to blog land, so I know she would be excited if you paid her a visit and leave some comment love to let her know you were there!  She'd love to make new friends and followers!  :)

Sooo......Meet Kassi......!

Hello friends and followers of Naturally Me Creations!!!

I am so excited to be here, blog swapping with Miss Monique!

PLEASE, PLEASE don't brush aside this post as, 'It's just a guest blogger... No Monique loveliness today'... and then carry on through your blog roll!

That would make me so sad!!

I am thrilled to get the chance to share a little about myself and my blog with you lovely Naturally Me readers, so PLEASE stick around!!!

My name is Kassi! I, along with my sister, Kayli, produce Truly Lovely!!

Yep, that's me!!! ;)
It's a blog about the things that we find to be well... Truly Lovely! ;)

We've only been blogging for a few short months, but like most things we Laney Sisters do, we jumped in head first!!

AND we love it! We love the community, sharing ideas, and learning new things from other bloggers, like Miss Monque!!

The things that we find to be Lovely include crafts, such as these personalized tile coasters that I made as a cheap, easy, but still lovely gift!


Or this upcycled purse that Kayli fancied up with some fun flowers!

We also enjoy sharing our favorite recipes... Which have included these tasty Mint Oreo Brownie treats!!

Besides our crafting and cooking endeavors, we share little tid bits of our lives, which at the moment revolve around Kayli graduating high school and picking a college. As well as my wedding planning for this summer!

We also love showing off YOUR projects, so we host a fun linky party every Friday, with our favorites featured every following Monday!

We would love to see you link up tomorrow at Fancy This Fridays!!!

*wink wink*

Fancy This

Like I said, we're new to the blogging world and we would love for you to stop by and share a little encouragement!

We newbies can use all the help we can get!

Thanks to Miss Monique for blog swapping with us today!

We think Naturally Me Creations is TRULY LOVELY!!

You can get your daily fix of Monique over at our blog, Truly Lovely right now!!!

We hope you'll stop by and say hi!

And all you lovely Truly Lovely ladies stopping by, we know Miss Monique would love having you as a new follower! We love you, so she will too!!

Happy Thursday friends!!!


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Thanx for visiting! :D
Write something and I'll read it :)