
Monday, April 11, 2011

Versatile Blogger Award & My First Giveaway!

Some time ago now, I was awarded the Versatile Blogger award by 2 of my favourite blogging ladies, Kassi from Truly Lovely & Monica from Handmade Cards with Love. :D  And I finally got around to "accepting" them...  So thank you ladies for once again thinking of me and my blog! :)

So just quickly, the rules of acceptance are as follows:
1. Thank & link back to the person who gave you the award
2. List 7 things about yourself
3. List a few newly discovered great blogs

So here goes...

7 Things About Me
1. My favourite colours are purple, blue, and more recently green too.  Green means nature to me, and I love nature. :)

2.  My favourite drink is water.

3.  I love reading horror novels and watching scary movies.

4.  Me & my husband got married in May 2010 after being together for over 13 years (since we were 18)

5.  I prefer winter over summer by far.  Although, during winter, I do look forward to spring and flowers and green returning to the garden.

6.  Me & my husband are lucky to own our own businesses and we both work from home.

7.  My favourite places to go on holiday are the Kruger National Park here in SA, or a secluded cabin in a mountainous forest.

Newly discovered great blogs
Very recently (like, this last week or so) I've discovered 4 really lovely blogs owned by 4 talented ladies. :)  I haven't gotten to know these ladies at all yet, but I love their blogs and their beautiful creations...and even if they don't accept this award (I know how it goes, hehe), at least y'all will get a chance to visit them and see for yourself what they have to offer, if you don't know about them yet!

 Not only does Chelsea have one of the most lovely blogs ever, but wait until you see her gorgeous cards, which are anything but ordinary!

 Besides Mariana's pretty blog, here I found some of the most beautiful paper crafts ever - tags, scrapbook layouts, cards & even a little album.  Browse around a bit, you'll find 'em. :)

 This sweet lady Farah has all kinds of talent - some of my favourite creations on her blog were quickly found under her "My Projects" heading in her side bar...things from glass painting to wire/stocking flower tutorial and more in between.

Here you'll see some of the cutest charms you'll ever get to witness in your entire life! :)  Amber makes mini charms out of craft clay (& the miniest of mini paper book charms!)

And then.....a giveaway!

It's my b'day next month, and since I didn't get around to organizing a giveaway for my 100 followers milestone, I'm doing one for my b'day - which I'll be combining with International Charm Day, by attempting for the first time to make some charms which I will include in my giveaway as well!  And also, if you'd like to participate in International Charm Day on 28 April 2011, visit their blog and find out more about it!

So stay tuned to find out more about the giveaway, I'll be posting more details really soon! :)


  1. Oh Monique. that so sweet of you that you honoured me with your love and concern... I soon fulfil the terms of this award on my blog... really bundles of thanks and hugs for you...

  2. You deserve it Monique!!! :) Great 7 things!!! Congrats on having your own business and working from home! That's awesome!

  3. What fun little things we learned about you!!
    Wow - you and your husband have been together a while!!

    Glad you both are able to work at home too! How nice!!!

    Going to check out the blogs you mentioned!!
    Maria :)

  4. congrats on your award Monique and thanks for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comments, you made my day. :)

  5. Congrats really deserve for all awards :)
    keep it up!!!

  6. Oh.. I love the random 7 fun facts.. about you!! Was a lovely read!! :-)


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