
Saturday, May 14, 2011

First Wedding Anniversary Gift - Framed Love Poem

On 30 May is our first wedding anniversary! :D

Well I decided to make something for the occasion.  You know how there's this thing where you're supposed to (for fun of course) give certain specific items for every year of the anniversary?  If you don't, you can see it here: Anniversary Gifts by Year.  For first year anniversaries you're supposed to write a love poem to your partner on scented paper....and since neither of us are into poetry and such, I decided to make something from both of us to both of us. :)  I printed out the words (on scented paper!) to the song which we played when I was walking down the isle at our wedding - Annie's Song by John Denver.  It's not so much a love poem, but I like the song and the words were suitable for this project.  So! Here it is....
I took an old frame laying around here (it started out like this one) and painted it dark brown and spray painted varnish over it.  My mum bought me these pretty scented papers for Xmas, and I only planned to use them for special things (that I don't have to give away, hehe), so I used the first one here.  Can you see the roses?

To decorate it further, I used some swirly chipboard cut-outs which I padded with a purple ink pad to colour it in and spray painted varnish over it too to make it look not so dull - and added some blings on too:
And I used a heart chip board goodie, but I only inked the edges this time - I think it looks nice - and glued on a rose.
I also glued on a mini mirror heart (I used these to decorate some things for the wedding too), and added our initials with stickers:
And that's it! I'm really happy with how it turned out. :)  I've put it on the little table in our entrance "hall", next to a wedding photo that I framed HERE too.  :D
And then, I had my family over for my b'day last weekend and I made Coconut Snowballs which I topped off with cream cheese icing:
Now get ready for the recipe, because it's quite complicated...

You ready...?

Here's what you'll need to do:

Mix together 1 can of condensedmilk & 750ml desiccated coconut, roll into balls and through some more coconut & chill in fridge.  Whew!

And then I got me one of those huge cupcake mould thingies - and made a huge-@$$ cupcake:
Hehe...anyway, had me some fun with that.  I rolled one of the snowballs in red coconut and used it as a "cherry" to top of the cupcake cake. :)

LINKY PARTIES linked to:
Making the World Cuter    Craft-O-Maniac
The DIY Showoff             All Thingz Related

1 comment:

  1. Happy Anniversary! What a great way to celebrate and I love your new blog look !


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