
Monday, May 2, 2011

Huge Blog Candy & A Thank You

There is some HUGE blog candy going on at Priscillastyles...which is why I'm letting y'all in on it...but mostly because I wanna win it!  ;)
How generous is that?! :D Stop by their blog to find out how to enter - it's easy peasy, and this is an international giveaway!
There are even more prizes as well, if you can believe it, but you'll have to head on over there to find out for yourself! :)
Ends 31 May.

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And then I want to say thank you to Theresa from Crafts/Friends/Angels who sent me a sweet little surprise package as a lucky runner-up-winner to a blog candy giveaway she was having for her b'day! :)  Not only are her posts fun to read (she sounds so full of energy!), but she makes some really lovely cards as well - go have a looksie!

Here's what she sent me:
Lots of fun little goodies!  Isn't she sweet?  :)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, your are such a sweetie, enjoy!!
    lotsa luv


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