
Friday, November 26, 2010

*Who made What? Weekends* Linky Party Starts Today!

Come and link up your recycled crafty creations HERE!
It will run from Friday until Sunday night, South African time.
Please join in, I look forward to seeing what you have!! :D


  1. Thanks for the compliment of asking me to post on your blog! :) I'd love to post my can lid scrapbook, but I can't seem to figure out how to link to your part?? Help! I pushed the "HERE" button & didn't see anywhere to link up, I also pushed the linkWithin button & the Natuarally Me Creations Linky parties. Am I pushing the wrong buttons?? Thanks!

  2. Hi Chrystie! :) I see you found the linky party! :D Sorry if it was a little confusing, i still have to get the hang of this thing, hehe. I'm so glad you posted! :) Tnx!


Thanx for visiting! :D
Write something and I'll read it :)