
Friday, November 26, 2010

Random Crafty Talk - Tidying Up Craft Room

Show me a craft room that stays tidy all the time and I'll prove to you that I was Cleopatra in my past life. :)
Anyway, it was time to do something about my craft room - I ran out of storage space (and my organizing was a tad non-existant), so you can image what a mess it became:
I'm sure the fact that my craft room doubles as the ironing room and my husband's gym has something to do with my limited space and hence this mess:
My tables became my storage areas:
I even started storing stuff under my tables:
And so I had to work on the floor:
Actually I like working on the floor, but that's besides the point!
So I saw those storage drawers (you can see 'em in the first pic above) on special the other day and bought them!  And you can't believe what a difference that little extra storage space has made!
Now I can go back to using my tables for actual crafting and scrapbooking. :D
Just goes to show that a little storage space goes a long way!

Pocket Full Of Posies


  1. Great job! Thanks for linking up to my party! I just came your newest follower! :) I cracked up about your Cleopatra line, good one! :) So true! Storage does make such a difference! Soon you'll see my new & improved area (it's still in progress). We just simply found storage in the house that wasn't being used for much & moved it to my scrap room, which needed storage & now I have LOTS of storage space!

  2. Thanx Chrystie! :D Thanx for following, commenting AND rating, i need more visitors like you! Hehe... :)
    I'll be back to check on your progress! :D
    I have so many craft "jobs" lined up, and now with a tidy craft room it's so much more fun attending to them, hehe. :)

  3. Nice, I think my craft space is beyond help at the moment, but you have inspired me! :) Thanks!

  4. Thanx Lisa! Hehe....after tidying up MY messy place, i think anybody's craft room can be saved! :D

  5. Wow - glad you got your space all cleaned up & organized! I bet you are happy!!!

  6. I AM!! It's so much better working in an organized and tidy environment! Hehe... :)


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