
Friday, January 14, 2011

Who Made What? Weekends Linky Party #5

This week's theme is ANYTHING WITH SPARKLE OR BLING ON IT!  I'm in the mood for something sparkly!  :)

Here are my rules (and pretty please requests)  :)
*   The usuals - link up to your specific post and not your main blog
                      - no sales posts
                      - it must be your own lovely creations
                      - it must be family friendly - I don't wanna be a meanie and delete it
*   For you super sweet creators - in your post, please link back to my party so that others can find it and join in, or grab my badge in my right side bar and post it somewhere on your blog (else I just feel a little used...*sniff*).  
*   For all you nice creators - be a pal and visit some of the other creations submitted and give some comment love - we all know we love it when our creations are noticed!  :)
*   For now, I think my parties are still quiet enough for you to link up as many of your creations as you want!
*   Oh, and please follow me if you see any of my creations that you like. :)
If you notice your link is no longer here, I've probably deleted it because the link didn't work, it didn't fit in with my theme, or I notice that you continually don't want to link back to my blog in your linked posts - please read the rules (and pretty please requests) and try again, 'cause I'd love to see your crafty creations. :)

I will feature my most favouritist creation submitted! (but only from those who've linked back to my blog) So don't delay, submit today! :)  I can't wait to see what you've all made!

Last week's feature was The Sweet Spot's Alphabet Magnets!

This linky list is now closed.



  1. WOOO I'm #1...although #1 does really have any sparkle and bling!!

    Thanks for hosting! :)

  2. Beautiful entries, Monique... so you are so full of talent. I have become a follower and will soon grab your blinkie.

    And if I can make a bling-bling card I will enter into this week's linky party.

    Great to visit you... I went over your tips... so very helpful. I like the one on how to cut the ribbon. I have been struggling all these years cutting them individually. Now I know better - thanks to clever you.
    And I save those ribbons from dresses too... you are right, they are so classy.

    I have tried many times to organize my ribbon stash but it ends up as messy if not more as I keep buying more and more thinking that ribbons will soon be in short supply or that I may not get a chance to buy them again. Silly me!

    xxx Monica


Thanx for visiting! :D
Write something and I'll read it :)