
Friday, April 8, 2011

Crafty Recycling - Receipts Holder

(excuse all the different frames and things - I'm working out which one looks best!)

Last night I finally got to making something that we seriously needed around here.....a receipts holder!  Because we're one of those couples who just don't seem to know where all our money has gone to by the end of the month, since we're too lazy to collect all our receipts and put them in one place.  Well now I've made a place to put them, and I've placed this container on the table as you exit the kitchen - you can't go into the rest of the house without passing this container, so we can't forget to put our receipts in there before we do ANYTHING else and forget about it!

This is a recycled project too.  This container started out like one of these:
Except the one I just emptied was a Tiramisu one.  See?
Anyway, I removed the label and decoupaged some green wrapping paper all around it.  This green paper is also recycled - when we repainted one of our shops in the mall, the mall centre management covered up our shop front windows with this green paper - from top to bottom - so of course I had to keep it - I have like 4 rolls of the stuff now.  This paper colour was perfect for me to stick to my ladybug/garden kitchen theme that I'm trying to establish.

And then I stuck on some stickers that I didn't know what else to do with, because they're just not classy enough to be used in any fancy projects (shame, but the bees are cute though! Hehe).  I decorated all 4 sides this way.  And then rounded it off by tying green raffia around the top because there was too much white and I couldn't cover it any other way:
And now I'm going to finish my lunch time dessert (I've already finished most of it while writing this post).
Water helps to flush out all the fat in a meal, didn't you know? ;)  At least I like to think so. :P

LINKY PARTIES linked to:
Truly Lovely                                        Fingerprints on the Fridge
The Shabby Nest                                Finding Fabulous
Keeping it Simple                                Under yhe Table & Dreaming


  1. This is SIMPLY AWESOME... and so very clever to create something like this for bills. And I love the art work on it. You do come out with such great stuff, Monique.

    I am sorry that the voting is not successful... I have to say that it did excite me...

    Have a nice weekend,


  2. haha that is such a great idea! But I check my monies via the internet!

    But this is superhandy aswell! I hope you enjoyed your desert!

  3. That's a great idea!
    I have a little folder for our receipts because we too, aren't good at keeping up with where things are going all the time. However, my little folder... it's not nearly as cute as your little bucket!!!

  4. aaaww.. so simple! what a lovely idea!! :-)

  5. Cute Cute!!!
    Great recycle!!!
    And yes - water does flush out the fat!!!


  6. Such a great idea! Way to recycle by the way! Love the bugs! ;) Thanks for linking to Fancy This Fridays!

  7. I adore it - though getting through the tub in the first place must have been pure enjoyement too!!


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