
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Who Made What? Weekends! #17!

I'll get right to it!

This week's feature from last week's link ups, as voted for by you, is.........for a second time.........

Carol from The Answer is Chocolate's decorated eggs!
Aren't they lovely?  I'm not one for decorating my home with eggs...because, well.....they're eggs! Hehe.  But she's made them so pretty with the soft colours, the tissue paper added for texture (or rather, the tissue paper was slapped & smooshed on - quoted from Carol's blog) and all those lovely embellishments, that I have to say that these are the first eggs I personally wouldn't mind decorating a table in my home with. :)

I never get bored with her creations.  Do take a few minutes to check out her blog - you'll find a talented crafty lady (with an amuzing way of wording her posts, hehe). :) 

Thanx to everybody who linked up last weekend! I hope we'll be seeing you back again this weekend! :)


  1. Oh Monique! What an honor and a surprise. Thank you so much!

  2. I'm linking up a jewelry project inspired by a trendy retailer here in the US.

  3. Thanks for hosting! Can't wait to see what everyone been up to :)

  4. Yippeeeee! I voted for this, you know... so I am thrilled that it was featured!

    Am in Singapore again, so will try and link to one of my creations.

    xxx Monica

  5. Thanks for hosting!! BTW I LOVE your kittens's not cheating, it's just practice! :)

  6. hey there - yeah some of the ingredients are different. to be gluten free + dairy free. you can use regular flour instead of the all purpose gluten free flour + sorghum flour (same amounts) AND OMIT the guar gum (its to make the batter sticky if you arent using regular flour). :) thanks for the link party :)

  7. Hi Monique~

    Happy to be a new follower of your blog and thanks for hosting a wonderful party. Looking forward to browsing your lovely blog. :)

    Drop By & Browse The Tattered Tag

  8. Hello Monique... Its so nice to link up with you, thanks for your loving invitation... I am participating with my frosted lamps in your party...
    I would love if you please peek a little at
    Sure you will find a crafty project of your choice from my library…


Thanx for visiting! :D
Write something and I'll read it :)