
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My First Painting (& Easy Chocolate Fudge!)

So I tried making my first painting, and here's how it turned out.  I chose cute kittens. :D

AND without any art lessons either...

What?  "It can't be that your first ever attempt at painting turned out so good!" I hear you say?? 
You don't think that these PERFECTLY shaped and real-looking kitty whiskers is the work of a naturally talented artists like me??
Ok fine! I'll say it!.......................................I CHEATED!
I did learn something about myself though.....I don't think I like painting....I hated mixing colours (plus the cover's mixing instruction were totally inaccurate, so I had to figure the ratios out myself, that's why my colours aren't all quite right), I hated painting with a soft "flimsy" brush that didn't always go precicely where I needed it to go (the one that was supplied in the package), I hated trying to paint such teeny tiny details, and I've got a stiff neck from leaning over this picture for about 2 days while working on it.  I was glad to get it finished.
But I'm glad I tried it, it initially looked like fun and now I've got my own little piece of artwork, hehe. :)

And now for my favourite chocolate fudge recipe.  This fudge is smooth & chocolaty and perfect for satisfying those uber sweet-cravings.  And it's easy to make!
100 g butter
50 ml milk
5 ml vanilla
500 g icing sugar (that ultra fine powdery sugar)
2 ml salt
125 ml cocoa powder
125 ml raisins (optional, but I don't put 'em in)

1. Microwave butter, milk & vanilla for 2 mins. 
2. Add icing sugar, salt & cocoa to butter mixture, mix well with a fork to combine, & microwave for 2 mins.
3. Add raisins here if you wish, pour into battered dish and cool in fridge, then cut.

Enjoy! :D


  1. That is a swell painting... Monique, even if you cheated, who cares? The end result is what matters and that is fabulous.

    I have noticed that these kits can be quite disappointing sometimes...I bought my older daughter a Darwent kit which boasted of drawing lovely Daffodils. When she opened it and tried it, everything had to be done from scratch... I mean we could not cheat!!! The drawing and everything had to be done manually. My older one tried it and gave up in no time coz' it was of a much higher level. Never mind, some more money down the drain in the name of art!

    I am off to comment on some nice cards that I can spot in those little windows on your blog.

    Bye for now,


  2. WoW!!! I dont care if it was paint by numbers - it's still really great!!!! Congrats to you!!

    I agree though - mixing paint and all that takes so much time. I'll stick to stamping :)

  3. wow really nice so what if you painted by numbers it still looks great and i your colors better then the original one! see the hidden artist in you did peeped out to show her self :)


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