Thursday, February 3, 2011

Who Made What? Weekends! Party #8

Featuring YOUR creation from last week's link up!

Linda from Two Succulent Sisters made these adorable Heart Treats! Aren't they sweet?! :)
I'm thinking you can change their shape to make some suitable for all kinds of occasions! I think this is so cute! :D  Visit Linda's blog to see her tutorial for these goodies.

Ok, so I'm no longer having themed linky parties, so link up whatever crafts you want! :)

Also, by linking up, you're giving me permission to post photos from your blog in my weekly features, proper credit being given to you!

Here's what you do:



Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for hosting!!

Unknown said...

Thanks for hosting Monique!!! :) Happy weekend!

Carol, The Answer Is Chocolate said...

Happy Weekend!

Ami Allison said...

That is so cute! What a great idea. I could make these with Alie! Thanks for hosting, Monique! :)

Jenn Erickson said...

Monique, thank you so much for the linky party. I'm thrilled to be included with such talented company! Cheers! Jenn/Rook No. 17

Stef H said...

what a fun idea. where have i been hiding???? lol.

hugs :)

iram said...

thanks for hosting :)