Monday, January 24, 2011

My Totally Handmade Christmas Tree Decorations Pledge!

So...during this December just passed, I saw so many cute and interesting Christmas decorations in blog land that I decided for Christmass 2011, I am only going to decorate my tree with decorations I've made myself! :D  And no exceptions.... So it's something that I'm excited about, and during the course of the year I'll post the ornaments that I've completed for the tree.  This really isn't something one can leave for the last minute! So I'm going to get started soon. :D

I've already started last December, but I was so busy with Xmas gifts that I didn't have time to make more than 2 tree ornaments...which were these old-Xmas card recycled tree ornaments:
So, if anyone feels like joining me, you can grab my Totally Handmade Christmas Tree Decorations badge from my My Buttons tab and take the pledge with me! :D



Life, Crafts and Whatever said...

Those little ornaments are adorable! I can't wait to see what your tree looks like! I found you thru the follower swap party, I just signed up to follow you and hope you will do the same.

SJ @ Homemaker On A Dime said...

Thanks for linking up in my very first Swap Followings party. I'm a follower now :) Here's to hoping for a good friendship to blossom.

Anonymous said...

I'm a new follow from the swap! Loving your blog

Military Spouse House said...

Hey there! I LOVE this idea! I may have to grap one of your buttons and join in. :) I found you at the follower swap party and now your newest follower. :)

~Tonja~ said...

Cute ornaments....following you through the swap blog link party...Have a Blessed day

Anonymous said...

Hey Monique, just linked over from Homemaker on a Dime. I'm a new follower to your cute blog. I love those great ornaments you made, they're awesome! Come visit us :)

Court said...

I am your newest follower from the follower swap at Homemade on a Dime. I am excited to see what your tree looks like.

Court said...

Thanks for listing your blog on my blog list :)

Fiona said...

It's a great idea!! The ornaments are really cute, I can't wait to see that Xmas tree!!

Esther Asbury said...

I love homemade Christmas ornaments. I've been making them now for (almost) 12 years. Started when I first got married....and continue to add to my stash --- one style per year. Can't wait to see what all you come up with --

Maria@Crafty Cre8tions said...

What a great idea! Your tree is going to be GORGEOUS in 2011!!! Can't wait to see what you come up with!! The first ones are just outstanding!!!
Maria :)

annewalker said...

What a great idea! This year, we will also use our old christmas tree in decorating. We will just use new ornaments to tweak it a little.

Happy Holidays!
Anne Walker
Decorating Christmas tree ideas